
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

5 Ways to Prevent Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure

5 Ways to Prevent Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure

How do you protect a critical system that can be compromised by a single infected USB inserted into a company computer? The answer is complex, but understanding the specific context around critical infrastructure cybersecurity is a good first step. ...


Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure

Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure

Critical infrastructure systems like those driving power generation, water treatment, electricity production and other platforms are interconnected to form the energy “grid”. Although beneficial to the public this grid is vulnerable to cyber-attack by "hacktivists" or terrorists....


Georgia: Violent Protestors Charged With Domestic Terrorism

7 protesters charged with domestic terrorism after fatal shooting incident

...arrested and charged with domestic terrorism and criminal trespass near a police training center under construction in Georgia, according to officials. Officers located and removed approximately 25 campsites belonging to protesters. Officials said they recovered mortar style fireworks, multiple edged weapons, pellet rifles, gas masks and a blow torch. ... "Officers gave verbal commands to the man who did not comply and shot a Georgia State Patrol Trooper." Police returned fire on the man, who died on scene.


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Flights grounded nationwide after FAA experiences computer outage again

Flights grounded nationwide after FAA experiences computer outage again

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration is suffering a nationwide technical outage and order until 9 a.m. ET Wednesday morning. The outage comes as a result of the failure of the FAA's NOTAM (Notice to Air Missions) system, which alerts pilots and other personnel about airborne issues and other delays at airports across the country. ...


Friday, January 6, 2023

Biden Invites Another 30,000 Illegals Per Month With App to Speed Process

New Biden Border Plan Includes Accepting 30,000 Migrants a Month

...the U.S. will accept 30,000 people per month from the four nations for two years and offer the ability to work legally, as long as they come legally, have eligible sponsors and pass vetting and background checks. Border crossings by migrants from those four nations have risen most sharply, with no easy way to quickly return them to their home countries. ...the newly minted Republican House majority has promised congressional investigations on the matter. The new policy could result in 360,000 people from these four nations lawfully entering the U.S. in a year, a huge number.


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Other Minorities Committing Vast Majority Of Anti-Semitic Assaults In NYC

Other Minorities Committing Vast Majority Of Anti-Semitic Assaults In NYC

A detailed report on antisemitic crimes in New York City is creating uncomfortable questions for elected officials and community leaders and bringing into stark relief a common misconception about the perpetrators of Jew-hatred. Americans Against Antisemitism, through its Hate Crimes Accountability Project, pored over limited data on hate crimes against Jews from April 2018 through August of this year, adding in key details. The results show that of 194 documented assaults, the perpetrators’ group identities were known 99 times. According to the report’s data, 64% of those assaults were committed by black persons, 17% by Muslims or Arabs, 11% by Hispanics and 3% by white persons. The data contradicts consistent refrains from city leaders about white supremacists being responsible for hate crimes against the Jewish population.


Tags: Fact Based Data, Anti-Semitic Assaults,Perpetrators of Jew-hatred, News for the U.S. Jewish Population, Root Causes of Anti-Semitic Assaults,

Monday, January 2, 2023

Flights delayed at Florida airports after computer issue

Flights delayed at Florida airports after computer issue

A spokeswoman for the Federal Aviation Administration said it decreased the volume of flights into Florida airspace due to an air traffic computer problem. The issue has since been resolved, and the FAA is working to return things to normal. ...FAA uses the En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM) system to handle en route traffic.


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Numerous Attacks | Alleged Islamic extremist attacks police officers near Times Square with machete

Cops attacked by alleged Islamic extremist with machete near Times Square

...NYPD police officer on his first day on the job was attacked with a machete on New Year’s Eve just blocks Times Square. ...cop was slashed in the head, prompting another cop to shoot the suspect...One of the other cops, an eight-year veteran, was also struck on the head with the weapon and suffered a laceration. Cops had to intervene when crowds were trying to tear down the barricades just an hour before the machete man ran toward cops. The attack was also not the only in Times Square of the night.


Tag: Attacks Hidden by Main Stream Liberal Anti-America Liberals, Currently Hiding Name of Suspect (0641 hours Central; Jan 1, 2023)

Russian Attacks On Ukraine Power Grid May Be Global

Russian Attacks On Ukraine Power Grid May Be Global

As Russia assaults Ukraine's power grid, the prospect of Russian links to attacks on U.S. electrical infrastructure cannot be ...With continued attacks likely in the U.S., the best, most effective aid to Ukraine may well rest in actively investigating local power grid attacks, hardening the U.S. power grid itself, and taking other steps to ensure Russia’s efforts to turn Ukraine’s power off remain firmly focused on the battlefield. Put bluntly, terror attacks and other efforts to interfere or otherwise compromise the global supply of electrical grid components are unacceptable. Foreign attacks on the U.S. power grid—even indirect ones—are warlike acts worthy of a major and escalatory U.S. response. ...


In the event Forbes retracts article, here is a cached version of the link/story as of Jan. 1, 2023

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Investigators Search for Suspects in 4 Seattle-Area Substation Attacks

Investigators Search for Suspects in 4 Seattle-Area Substation Attacks

...badly damaged four Pierce County electrical substations on Christmas Day and left hundreds of customers without power Monday afternoon. Nor are police ready to say whether the incidents were coordinated or connected to a recent string of similar incidents at substations in the Pacific Northwest and on the East Coast. ...


U.S. Water Supply System Being Targeted By Cybercriminals

U.S. Water Supply System Being Targeted By Cybercriminals

...last January a hacker attempted to poison a water treatment plant that served parts of the San Francisco Bay Area. ...


The Root Cause of the Foreign Invasion at the Southern Border | ICE prohibited from conducting worksite raids for illegal immigrants

Biden Dismantles the Ban on Hiring Illegal Immigrants

Snippet of Article: "...A new memo from DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on worksite enforcement of immigration laws garnered some media and political attention because it prohibits ICE from conducting worksite raids for illegal aliens. But the memo is more than just the latest in a series of anti-immigration-enforcement directives by this administration. Rather, it represents the Left’s rejection of the very concept of illegal employment. ...Mayorkas’s new memo, on the other hand, is concerned almost exclusively with protecting illegal-immigrant workers. focusing on unscrupulous employers who exploit the vulnerability of undocumented workers” [my emphasis], mentioning specifically “illegal acts ranging from the payment of substandard wages to imposing unsafe working conditions and..."

Source: Center for Immigration Studies (CIS)

Root Cause of the Foreign Invasion at the Southern Border

Monday, December 26, 2022

More Attacks on U.S. Power Grid on Christmas Day 2022 | 3 Washington state substations attacked

Three substations attacked in Washington state, leaving thousands without power

Three electricity substations in the Tacoma, Washington, area were attacked Sunday, affecting as many as 14,000 customers, authorities said. ...In a statement, TPU said, "Two of our substations were deliberately targeted by physical attacks."


Saturday, December 24, 2022

Terrorist Attacks on American Soil: From the Civil War Era to the Present (Paperback)

Terrorist Attacks on American Soil: From the Civil War Era to the Present (Paperback)

Attacks on U.S. soil book
Understanding the context of terrorism requires a trek through history, in this case the history of terrorist activity in the United States since the Civil War. Because the topic is large and complex, Terrorists Attacks on American Soil: From the Civil War to the Present does not claim to be an exhaustive history of terrorism or the definitive account of how and why terrorists do what they do. Instead, this book takes a representative sampling of the most horrific terrorist attacks on U.S. soil in an effort to understand the context in which they occurred and the lessons that can be learned from these events....

Reference: Amazon

Border crisis is an 'invasion of our country'. Keep sitting silent about the Biden agenda and your city and family is next!

Border crisis is an 'invasion of our country'

El Paso, Texas is overwhelmed by the mass influx of migrants ... two years ago, Joe Biden set out to ... destroy El Paso and make it much more like Juarez. To do that, the administration opened America's southern border to the world. No place in our country was hit harder by that decision than El Paso, Texas.  ...illegal immigration into El Paso has risen by over 280% – undreds of thousands of foreign nationals streaming in, jobless, penniless, anonymous. ignores it. No one even covers it. Most Americans have no idea your city has been destroyed.


Power grid considered under threat after November attacks

NW power grid considered under threat after November attacks

A wave of terrorist attacks on electric grid substations across the country, including six in the Pacific Northwest, have federal emergency responders on edge and local power entities eying security upgrades.  The attacks, which occurred in late November and early December, brought arson, guns, break-ins and more to high-voltage substations ...


Military Base 'gate runner' attempting to illegally enter Shaw Air Force Base property Shot by Trained Airman

South Carolina airman shoots 'gate runner' attempting to illegally enter Shaw Air Force Base property

According to a press release, the individual who attempted to enter the base is being described as a "gate runner," WCBD reported. ...Shaw Air Force Base officials said that an investigation is ongoing into the incident, adding that federal and local authorities are assisting. ...


Chip Roy blows up over $1.7T spending bill: 'Destroying the United States'

Chip Roy blows up over $1.7T spending bill: 'Destroying the United States'

lawmakers lying about their reasons for remote proxy voting on the mammoth bill. Using COVID as excuse not to show up for votes they are expected to be there for.

...forcing a quick vote on a $1.7 trillion bill that no one has read and said the Democratic rush job is destroying the country. ... "Everything the American people is watching right now is a complete sham," Roy added. "It’s a fraud, a fraud being perpetrated on the American people right before their eyes, right as we head into Christmas." ...Roy blasted the 18 Republicans in the Senate who supported the bill this week. "We had 18 Republicans, who joined with Democrats in the Senate, get on their fancy planes and go home, and we’re sitting here trying to do the work of the people. "Half of this body is not even going to be here," he said. "And they’re lying, they’re lying on forms saying that they’re voting by proxy for COVID, and it’s a lie."


Fake Conservatives | 18 Republican senators who voted in favor of $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill

Here Are The 18 Senate Republicans Who Voted For $1.7

The final vote on the 4,155-page bill was 68-29. Republican Sens. Roy Blunt (MO), John Boozman (AR), Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Susan Collins (ME), John Cornyn (TX), Tom Cotton (AR), Lindsey Graham (SC), Jim Inhofe (OK), Mitch McConnell (KY), Jerry Moran (KS), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Robert Portman (OH), Mitt Romney (UT), Mike Rounds (SD), Richard Shelby (AL), John Thune (SD), Roger Wicker (MS) and Todd Young (IN) all voted in favor of the legislation.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Drone attack Pennsylvania electric substation was first to ‘specifically target energy infrastructure,’ according to federal law enforcement bulletin

Drone attack Pennsylvania electric substation was first to ‘specifically target energy infrastructure,’ according to federal law enforcement bulletin

The July 2020 incident is the first known case of a “modified unmanned aircraft system likely being used in the United States to specifically target energy infrastructure,” states the October 28 memo from the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and the National Counterterrorism Center. That statement is based on a review of drone incidents dating back to 2017. ...
